Tips to save money when buying diapers

Save money when buying diapers – our tips

The bad news first, diapers and wipes are simply expensive. Having to spend so much money on something that will just be thrown away is a waste of money. Yes, a baby/toddler now needs diapers, because you can’t do without them. But there are tricks on how to save when buying diapers. Without too much effort, you can save money on disposable diapers and wipes.

Save money when buying diapers – buy cheap diapers

The ultimate tip on how to save when buying diapers does not exist. Rather, it is a series of small things that lead to savings at the end of the day. We have summarized the best tips in our money-saving guide to buying diapers. We show you how you can buy cheap diapers.

Use cloth diapers

There is no doubt that you can save the most money by switching to cloth diapers. Although these have some disadvantages and are not as absorbent as disposable diapers, you only pay a fraction here and can use them over and over again. Modern cloth diapers are made from cuddly soft material, are breathable and chemical-free. Many children who have problems with disposable diapers (allergy, red bottom etc.) use cloth diapers, so why not give it a try?

Use diaper coupons

Without a doubt, this is the way I save the most money on diapers and wipes. There are almost always coupons for Huggies, Pampers and other brands. Combine that with a bulk purchase and you can save big.

Change diaper size slowly

When buying diapers, you can save if you choose small sizes (mostly anyway). Because the bigger the diaper, the fewer diapers there are per pack – and the more expensive it gets. Of course, the diaper size must fit your child. But many parents like to buy diapers that are a little too big and are therefore unintentionally more expensive.

Guenstig Windeln kaufen

Take out a diaper subscription and get a discount

The Amazon diaper subscription is something very practical, where you can also save on the purchase of diapers. Instead of always ordering diapers, you set up a diaper subscription. Amazon will then automatically ship the products to your home on the respective day. Depending on the interval at which you cancel the subscription, you can save up to 15% on the actual price. Plus, you never have to worry about running out of diapers.

Watch pack sizes

Instead of thinking about the price per pack of diapers, think about the price per diaper. The reason for this is that not all packages contain the same amount of product. For example, Pampers Soft Care wipes come in packs of 72, while Pampers Sensitive wipes come in packs of 64. However, both products cost the same. Depending on the business, this may differ somewhat, but you know where we are headed. The same applies to diapers. Therefore, pay attention not only to the price of the diapers, but also to the package contents.

Buy diapers in advance

Whenever you see diapers at a low price, stock up. Even if you buy 20 packs, they won’t last long (as I’m sure you know). The concept behind it is simple. Why pay full price for something that can easily save you a few bucks?


Buy different brands of diapers

If you want to maximize your savings on diaper purchases, you must be willing to use any brand of diaper. Some days Pampers are the cheapest, other days other brands. And sometimes it’s a private label that offers the best price. You will often find that other diaper brands are good too.

A mix of good and “low quality” diapers

It has been proven that cheap diapers are not particularly good. Using only these is not advisable. A good compromise is to change something. Overnight it should be good diapers that don’t leak. During the day, on the other hand, cheap and poor-quality diapers are often sufficient. By mixing both quality levels, you will also save a lot at the end of the day.

Compare diaper prices

Compare the prices of different diapers. Here you can see the most popular and best-selling diapers, including some cheap ones. If you also opt for the diaper subscription, you save even more on the price.

# Preview Product Rating Price
1 Pampers Baby Windeln Größe 1, Premium Protection, Windeln x180, 2kg-5kg, Doppelter Schutz für... Pampers Baby Windeln Größe 1, Premium Protection, Windeln x180, 2kg-5kg, Doppelter Schutz für... No ratings yet 36,95 €
2 Pampers Harmonie Baby Windeln Größe 1, 22 Windeln, 2kg-5kg Pampers Harmonie Baby Windeln Größe 1, 22 Windeln, 2kg-5kg No ratings yet 5,55 € 5,25 €
3 Pampers Premium Protection BIG PACK, New Baby, Windeln Größe 2 (4kg-8kg), 68 Stück Pampers Premium Protection BIG PACK, New Baby, Windeln Größe 2 (4kg-8kg), 68 Stück No ratings yet 16,45 € 15,95 €
4 Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Ultra Dry Windeln Größe 1 (2-5 kg) - MONATSBOX, Weiß, 96 Stück (2... Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Ultra Dry Windeln Größe 1 (2-5 kg) - MONATSBOX, Weiß, 96 Stück (2... No ratings yet 13,50 €
5 Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Disney Windelhöschen Größe 5 (12-17 kg) - MONATSBOX, Weiß, 140 Stück (2... Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Disney Windelhöschen Größe 5 (12-17 kg) - MONATSBOX, Weiß, 140 Stück... No ratings yet 34,88 € 31,01 €
6 Pampers Windeln Größe 0 ( Pampers Windeln Größe 0 (<3 kg), Premium Care Windeln, 30 Stück, Bester Komfort und Schutz... No ratings yet 6,80 €
7 LILLYDOO hautfreundliche Baby Windeln - Größe 1 (2-5 kg),Halbmonatsbox (112 Stück), Sicherer... LILLYDOO hautfreundliche Baby Windeln - Größe 1 (2-5 kg),Halbmonatsbox (112 Stück), Sicherer... No ratings yet 29,95 €
8 HiPP Babysanft Windeln Newborn 1 Carry, 3er Pack (3 x 1 x 24 Stück) HiPP Babysanft Windeln Newborn 1 Carry, 3er Pack (3 x 1 x 24 Stück) No ratings yet 14,85 €
9 LILLYDOO hautfreundliche Windeln Größe 2 (4-8 kg), 25 Stück LILLYDOO hautfreundliche Windeln Größe 2 (4-8 kg), 25 Stück No ratings yet 7,95 €
10 Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Disney Ultra Dry Windeln Größe 1 (2-5 kg) - MONATSBOX, Weiß, 96 Stück (2... Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Disney Ultra Dry Windeln Größe 1 (2-5 kg) - MONATSBOX, Weiß, 96 Stück... No ratings yet 21,59 €
11 Pampers Harmonie Baby Windeln Größe 1, 180 Windeln, 2kg-5kg, sanfter Hautschutz und 100 Prozent... Pampers Harmonie Baby Windeln Größe 1, 180 Windeln, 2kg-5kg, sanfter Hautschutz und 100 Prozent... No ratings yet 43,50 €
12 Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Premium Windeln Größe 1 (2-5 kg), Weiß, 96 Stück (2 Packungen mit 48) Amazon-Marke: Mama Bear Premium Windeln Größe 1 (2-5 kg), Weiß, 96 Stück (2 Packungen mit 48) No ratings yet 15,68 €
13 HiPP Babysanft Windeln Extra Large 6 Einzel HiPP Babysanft Windeln Extra Large 6 Einzel No ratings yet 8,94 €
14 Babylino Sensitive Cotton Soft Windeln Größe 8, Pants XXL (20+ kg), 14 Stück Babylino Sensitive Cotton Soft Windeln Größe 8, Pants XXL (20+ kg), 14 Stück No ratings yet 8,19 €
15 Huggies Babywindeln für Neugeborene Newborn Größe 1, 100 Windeln (2x50), Halb-Monatsbox Huggies Babywindeln für Neugeborene Newborn Größe 1, 100 Windeln (2x50), Halb-Monatsbox No ratings yet 25,98 €
16 Pampers Premium Protection Pants Gr.5 Junior 12-17kg Big Pack Pampers Premium Protection Pants Gr.5 Junior 12-17kg Big Pack No ratings yet 16,45 € 16,03 €
17 Pampers Windeln Größe 4 (9-14kg) Baby-Dry, Maxi, MONATSBOX, bis zu 12 Stunden... Pampers Windeln Größe 4 (9-14kg) Baby-Dry, Maxi, MONATSBOX, bis zu 12 Stunden... No ratings yet 53,95 €
18 Pampers Sensitive Feuchttücher 15 Packungen mit 80 Stück - 1200 Feuchttücher, ohne Duft, für... Pampers Sensitive Feuchttücher 15 Packungen mit 80 Stück - 1200 Feuchttücher, ohne Duft, für... No ratings yet 22,50 €
19 Eco by Naty Baby Öko Windeln - umweltfreundliche Premium-Bio Windeln aus pflanzenbasierten... Eco by Naty Baby Öko Windeln - umweltfreundliche Premium-Bio Windeln aus pflanzenbasierten... No ratings yet 23,96 € 19,80 €
20 babylove Windeln Premium aktiv plus Größe 5, junior 12-25kg, Jumbo Pack, 2x36 Stück, 72 St babylove Windeln Premium aktiv plus Größe 5, junior 12-25kg, Jumbo Pack, 2x36 Stück, 72 St No ratings yet 20,99 €

Do you have any other tips on how to save when buying diapers? Please leave us a comment.

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