Cool down tips

How to cool down (fast)

We all know the problem: tossing and turning in bed and struggling because your sweat has practically glued you to the sheets. Good sleep in high temperatures is almost impossible. So you can’t really relax or recover. This not only applies to the night, but also during the day. But how can you cool down without air conditioning? We tell you the best tips.

How to cool down without aircon

The obvious solution to a cool, calm, and good night’s sleep is air conditioning. But AC consumes tons of energy and adds to your monthly electric bill. So what should an eco-conscious, budget-conscious sleeper do? Also, air conditioning systems are not that widespread in Germany. So if you can’t enjoy air conditioning, you have to come up with something else.

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Verwenden Sie einen Ventilator

If you thought that fans are only there to blow hot air around, then you are wrong. A fan is the best way to cool down quickly without air conditioning, at least if it is positioned correctly. Point fans out of windows to push hot air out. Adjust the ceiling fan settings so the blades spin counter-clockwise, pulling hot air up and out instead of just swirling it around the room.
For the bedroom we recommend a tower fan as they are very quiet but still efficient. You can find detailed information and recommendations here: Tower fan buying guide and Dyson tower fan comparison.

# Preview Product Rating Price
1 Levoit Turmventilator für Schlafzimmer, 7,5m/s starker 23W energiesparender Ventilator, 25dB sehr... Levoit Turmventilator für Schlafzimmer, 7,5m/s starker 23W energiesparender Ventilator, 25dB... No ratings yet 119,99 €
2 PHILIPS Oszillierender Turmventilator 5000 Serie, 105 cm, Fernbedienung, Timer, 3 Geschwindigkeiten,... PHILIPS Oszillierender Turmventilator 5000 Serie, 105 cm, Fernbedienung, Timer, 3... No ratings yet 99,99 € 79,99 €
3 Taurus TF780 – Turmventilator , weiß Mit Fernbedienung grau Taurus TF780 – Turmventilator , weiß Mit Fernbedienung grau No ratings yet 63,65 €
4 Midea FZ10-17JR Turmventilator Leise mit Fernbedienung 92CM, mobiler Lüfter,Ventilator... Midea FZ10-17JR Turmventilator Leise mit Fernbedienung 92CM, mobiler Lüfter,Ventilator... No ratings yet 59,99 € 44,99 €
5 Levoit 28dB leiser Turmventilator mit Fortschrittlichem Schlafmodus,7m/s Ventilator mit... Levoit 28dB leiser Turmventilator mit Fortschrittlichem Schlafmodus,7m/s Ventilator mit... No ratings yet 99,99 €
6 Brandson - Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung 96 cm - Preisträger 2024 - mobiler Lüfter leise -... Brandson - Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung 96 cm - Preisträger 2024 - mobiler Lüfter leise -... No ratings yet 89,85 €
7 Dreo 28dB Leiser Turmventilator, 7,3m/s Geschwindigkeit 4 Geschwindigstufen 4 Modi 8 Std. Timer 90°... Dreo 28dB Leiser Turmventilator, 7,3m/s Geschwindigkeit 4 Geschwindigstufen 4 Modi 8 Std. Timer... No ratings yet 89,99 €
8 YASHE Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung, 43'' Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung, 28dB Turmventilator... YASHE Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung, 43'' Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung, 28dB... No ratings yet 89,99 € 61,36 €
9 Duracraft DO1100E Oszillierender Turmventilator, Bodenventilator, Weiß Duracraft DO1100E Oszillierender Turmventilator, Bodenventilator, Weiß No ratings yet 50,99 € 40,49 €
10 Senmeo Rotorloser Ventilator, Turmventilator sehr Leise, 8 Geschwindigkeiten, 90° Oszillation, 9... Senmeo Rotorloser Ventilator, Turmventilator sehr Leise, 8 Geschwindigkeiten, 90° Oszillation, 9... No ratings yet 61,99 €
11 Dreo 28dB Leiser Turmventilator, 106cm Höhe 6 Geschwindigkeitstufen 4 Modi, 12H Timer, 90°... Dreo 28dB Leiser Turmventilator, 106cm Höhe 6 Geschwindigkeitstufen 4 Modi, 12H Timer, 90°... No ratings yet 99,99 €
12 Dreo 25dB leiser Smart Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung für Schlafzimmer, 106CM Ventilator mit... Dreo 25dB leiser Smart Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung für Schlafzimmer, 106CM Ventilator mit... No ratings yet 149,99 €
13 GoveeLife Intelligente leiser Turmventilator, 75° Oszillierende Ventilatoren mit App- und... GoveeLife Intelligente leiser Turmventilator, 75° Oszillierende Ventilatoren mit App- und... No ratings yet 99,99 € 79,99 €
14 Cecotec Turmventilatoren (EnergySilence 9090 Skyline) (76 cm, Weiß) Cecotec Turmventilatoren (EnergySilence 9090 Skyline) (76 cm, Weiß) No ratings yet 47,00 € 32,90 €
15 Brandson - Turmventilator mit 60° Oszillation, 31cm Leise Ventilator mit 3 Geschwindigkeiten,... Brandson - Turmventilator mit 60° Oszillation, 31cm Leise Ventilator mit 3 Geschwindigkeiten,... No ratings yet 48,85 €
16 Rowenta VU6210 Eole Compact Turmventilator | 3D-Luftstromtechnologie | Optimale Kontrolle |... Rowenta VU6210 Eole Compact Turmventilator | 3D-Luftstromtechnologie | Optimale Kontrolle |... No ratings yet 59,99 € 56,27 €
17 Balter Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung, leise, Standventilator 98cm hoch, Ventilator mit 3... Balter Turmventilator mit Fernbedienung, leise, Standventilator 98cm hoch, Ventilator mit 3... No ratings yet 42,90 €
18 PureMate Mini Tischventilator mit 3 Ventilationsstufen, Automatische 70° Oszillation, Kleiner... PureMate Mini Tischventilator mit 3 Ventilationsstufen, Automatische 70° Oszillation, Kleiner... No ratings yet 19,99 €
19 Brandson - ECO Turmventilator Silent mit DC-Motor - Preisträger 2024-12 Geschwindigkeiten -... Brandson - ECO Turmventilator Silent mit DC-Motor - Preisträger 2024-12 Geschwindigkeiten -... No ratings yet 99,85 €
20 Echos Turmventilator Ventilator sehr leise Fernbedienung 3 Stufen Oszillierend LED-Display 3 Modi... Echos Turmventilator Ventilator sehr leise Fernbedienung 3 Stufen Oszillierend LED-Display 3 Modi... No ratings yet 59,90 €

Drink coconut water

Everyone knows that water is essential for rehydration, especially after you’ve been in the sun all day. But it turns out that coconut water can cool you down more effectively than regular tap water in the short term.

The added vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes in coconut water make it a great way to rehydrate after spending time in the sun. It also gives your body new energy.

Wasserfilter Empfehlungen

Create a cross breeze

Even more pro tips for boxing fans: Position a fan across from a window so outside wind combines with the fan to create a cooling cross breeze. Set up several fans in the room to make the airflow even stronger.

Turn off the light

This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Incandescent bulbs (even eco-friendly CFLs and LEDs) give off heat. The use of many electronic devices creates a higher room temperature, which is why it becomes significantly warmer and more comfortable.

Use as much natural light as possible. Keep rooms cool after dark by using minimal or no lighting.

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Make yourself some mint tea

But not hot! Misting a peppermint tea bag in some cold or ice water makes the same drink as adding it to hot water.

Peppermint is famous for the cooling effect it produces due to the high natural menthol content in the leaf. Research also shows that menthol has a positive effect on our cold receptors, meaning it helps quench thirst, ease breathing difficulties, and make us more alert.

Do you have any other tips on how to cool down quickly without air conditioning? Please leave us a comment.

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